
This post is a response to “I’m From…” found at Communicating.Across.Boundaries. Originally written on my personal blog under maiden name Emily Harris. 


Istanbul, Turkey. Photo Credit: Emily Greene. Instagram.

I am from

generations of pioneers. I follow trails made by

unsettled hearts

seeking more.


I am from

dusty shoes lined up at the door,

woven rugs hung on the walls,

and tables laden with bread and tea.

I am from

economy seats–

2 a.m. flights–

time zones–


exchange rates–

customs officers–

I am found amongst the pages of my passport.

I am from

a home of story.

I have roots in the tales I have heard and told

with every new introduction.


I am from


and “hellos”…

My home is in welcoming arms and the blessings of each farewell.

6 thoughts on “Unsettled.

  1. Robynn Bliss says:

    What a powerful piece of poetry…I’ll have to show Adelaide who wrote the I’m From post you refer to. Thank you for expanding it and coming up with this powerful poetry post! I have tears in my eyes for so many reasons. Thank you.


    • emilykazakh says:

      Thank you so much. I would love for her to read it, as I was so moved by her poem.
      As I’ve mentioned in my reply to Marilyn, I originally wrote and posted this on my personal blog in 2014. I’ve reposted it here because I wanted to include it in my online portfolio.
      I have also written a response to my response (ha!) that is on this site, too. I wrote “The Return to Eden” in the weeks leading up to my wedding as I was contemplating my new future as a married woman after 30 years of nomadic, TCK life. If you’re interested, I’d love for you and Adelaide to read it as well: https://writeremilygreene.wordpress.com/2016/04/15/the-return-to-eden-and-now-there-are-stars/


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